Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Back on the job grind

So I finished my MBA in October (Yay me!). I have decided that I want to work in the nonprofit world. I have volunteered with many, but the light bulb to actually work for one for a living just recently went off. More specifically, I want to work in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility. I'm finding that positions in these departments are far and few in between. Go figure that I finally figure out what I want to do in Corporate America and its a thriving practice! I've been doing hella networking and internet scouring for positions. I'm finding this thing to be extremely overwhelming. There is so much information to soak in. Follow these 30 people on twitter; read these 100 white papers; check out all these sites; connect to these people on Linkedin; listen in to upmteen shows on blogtalkradio; follow these blogs...and the list goes on! I'm by no means complaining. If you know me, you know I love to learn new things. Its just one of those things where the more you know, the more you realize you don't know.

But i'm ready for the challenge! I think i've just about followed everyone @RosettaThurman recommended following. I'm done reading my first nonprofit white paper. I'm sifting through my friend's connections on Linkedin. I have a more identifiable twitter handle (@Akuba_T #Followme, #Imjustsayingthough). I'm applying to all the nonprofit staffing companies in the country. I'm reading, i'm connecting, i'm networking, i'm following. Most importantly, i'm taking it one day at a time! Otherwise, I would be a ball of stress.

Tune in next time for the latest on my adventures! Who knows when that will

Oh yeah, a congratulations to me is due. I now intern/contract as a grant writer for a group home. Its slow and go...tell you more about it later.


Akuba T

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Current Happenings

Well, i'm in the last semester of my MBA. I will be finished in October! I am currently looking for internships that I can do while i'm in school. I found two that interest me. One is a grants management assistant position with the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy and the other is a fundraising intern with the International Rescue Committee. I think both will give me great experience. We will wait and see what happens.

These last two months are bittersweet. I am happy to finally be at the end of this journey, but I can feel the beginnings of anxiety about getting back into job search mode. If anyone knows me, they know how long it took me to find a job I liked (and that liked me) after graduating. I feel like I am preparing myself and I have a killer resume (if I do say so myself), but time will tell if employers feel the same way! lol

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...whatever you are, be the best one.



Sunday, June 7, 2009

Finally Finished

Early this morninig I finished reading my book: "Start Your Own Grant-writing business" by Preethi Burkholder. This is a great book! Now on to planning. I have a meeting lined up with a friend who owns her own non-profit. She is looking for grants for her organization, so I plan to make this my first project. Updates coming soon!

Friday, April 24, 2009


Just a few quick updates. School is going well, i'm maintaining my 4.0 (thanks to all my tutors). I have four more classes left before I am finished! I have decided that I want to pursue grantwriting and non-profit consulting, so i'm squeezing in the time to learn more about this when I can. I'm chaninging the focus of this blog to a more philantropic focus, so bear with me during the transition. Hello to all my friends I haven't seen or spoken to in a while. I pray that everything is well in your lives. Have a wonderful weekend and i'll be back soon!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Wanna know why I haven't written in a month? My Managerial Accounting and Marketing Management classes are kicking my butt! lol. I haven't had time for much else, but i'm taking it one day at a time. I just keep my mind focused on the finish line: May 9, 2009...Graduation Day. I was insprired to write a haiku about my experiences thus far. Here goes:

Classes are boring.
I continue to press on.
Commencement is near.


Study every day.
Failure is not an option.
Get your 'Michelle' on.

Let me know what you Back to studying!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Chronicles of my hair

Ok, so...last week I reached out to my new hair dresser to get a wash-and-set only to find out that she no longer worked at that salon. Needles to say, I was devastated. It took alot of self-constraint not to get in her business and ask what happened as i'm sure if she wanted to share that information with me, she would have done so. My cousin twisted my hair for me to get me by for the next week, but this predicament left me wondering what was next for me and my hair.

Last year was very difficult for me b/c I experienced excessive breaking which I attributed to the stress of job searching, then relocating (and all related stress). Its really bothered me that I have not been ablel to find a hair stylist that I am pleased with since college (2005). This year, I've made extreme progress in recovering from the breakage and even gaining length. I'm not usually big on New Year's resolution, but I have decided to make my spirit, body, and hair my personal priority in 2009.

Of course, this will be my sounding board for the progress of said personal priorities. I can't guarantee that all of it will interest you, but hey, this blog is for me so =P. J/K, but I really would like to share these things with you b/c I found myself being so emotionally attached to these things (and more) over the past two years.

So hopefully 2009 will result in a haeltheir spirit, hair, and

Love you all!


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm a writer

The past couple of weeks have been extremely rewarding. I claimed that I am a writer and editor, posted my services on Craig's list, and watched as the work poured in. Now, I'm not a paid writer or editor yet, but I'm working on that part. LOL. Lets just say I'm paying my dues. So far, I have had six clients! I'm really searching to find the space I want to write in, and steps to take to move forward with this endeavor. I'm truly excited about having some career aspirations and working towards realizing them.

I will keep you posted on my progress, but for now, I need to get back to editing this manuscript ;)

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